

_and?: BoolExpCan[]
_not?: BoolExpCan
_or?: BoolExpCan[]
by_link?: BoolExpTree

Relation to all tree rows with equal link_id.

by_parent?: BoolExpTree

Relation to all tree rows with equal parent_id.

by_position?: BoolExpTree

Relation to all tree rows with equal position_id.

by_root?: BoolExpTree

Relation to all tree rows with equal root_id.

by_tree?: BoolExpTree

Relation to all tree rows with equal tree_id.

depth?: ComparasionType<string>

Depth in subtree of parent_id from root_id

id?: ComparasionType<number>

Relation to current link.

link_id?: ComparasionType<number>

Current link id.

parent?: BoolExpLink

Relation to each parent link founded upper from link_id.

parent_id?: ComparasionType<number>

Each parent link id where founded upper from link_id

position_id?: ComparasionType<string>

Equal string for all parent_id in subtree from root_id to link_id.

Relation to root link by current subtree.

root_id?: ComparasionType<number>

Root link id by current subtree.

Relation to link used as tree.

tree_id?: ComparasionType<number>

Id of link used as tree.

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