

_and?: BoolExpLink[]
_or?: BoolExpLink[]
can_action?: BoolExpCan

Relation to rules where current link used as action.

can_object?: BoolExpCan

Relation to rules where current link used as object.

can_rule?: BoolExpCan

Relation to current rule.

can_subject?: BoolExpCan

Relation to rules where current link used as subject.

Links down by all available trees. (Use link_id for search)

from_id?: ComparasionType<number>
id?: ComparasionType<number>

Links related to current by to_id field

number?: BoolExpValue<number>

Value type number definition.

object?: BoolExpValue<object>

Value type object definition.

Links related to current by from_id field

Links using this link as a root.

Selected by this link as selector (usable only for Selector typed links)

Selectors that select current link.

string?: BoolExpValue<string>

Value type string definition.

to_id?: ComparasionType<number>

Links using this link as a tree.

type_id?: ComparasionType<number>

Links related to current by type_id field

Links up by all available trees. (Use parent_id for search)

value?: BoolExpValue<any>

Value (number/string/object shortly).

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