DeviceInfo: Partial<DeviceGeneralInfo & BatteryInfo & {
    languageCode: GetLanguageCodeResult["value"];
} & {
    languageTag: LanguageTag["value"];

Includes all the device information fields provided by the @capacitor/device package.


It's a combination of several types, including DeviceGeneralInfo (general device information), BatteryInfo (battery status information), languageCode (the device's current language code), and languageTag (the device's current language tag).


Device Info Example

const deviceInfo: DeviceInfo = {
"identifier": "d787dc6b-041f-4a61-8078-d5573c2e7a4e",
"model": "X11",
"platform": "web",
"isVirtual": false,
"osVersion": "x86.64",
"isCharging": true,
"languageTag": "en",
"batteryLevel": 1,
"languageCode": "en",
"manufacturer": "Google Inc.",
"webViewVersion": "",
"operatingSystem": "unknown"

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